
The Humanitarian Actors Platform (HAP) is a platform of non-governmental organizations working in Kurigram District aiming to foster humanitarian assistance in emergency. It was founded in February 2018 by the merger of Empowering Local and National Humanitarian Actors (ELNHA) supported by MJSKS and Oxfam in Bangladesh. The mission of HAP Platform is to "improve the effectiveness and impact of assistance to people and communities vulnerable to risk and affected by disaster, conflict or poverty as well as enhance capacities of member’s organizations to represent voices towards localization and accountable partnership.

HAP is a network of local actors actively engaged on localization process, to get included in the process, that we have seen systematic exclusion and discrimination against meaningful participation of a diversity of local actors in many of these processes. The local actors do not want to remain passive beneficiaries of a change process, rather want to have equal stake, ownership, shared leadership and representation across all the processes and the discussion agenda. We, as one of the committed network of local actors, firmly believe that the signatories are genuinely interested to deliver on the Grand Bargain commitments by overcoming the barriers to harvest better outcomes. In the journey of HAP frameworks of localization for institutionalizing local level humanitarian actions was emerged

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of the ELNHA HRGF is to create the opportunity for local and national non-governmental organizations (LNGOs) to demonstrate that they can design and deliver quality response programs, draft proposals and demonstrate quality fund management and financial accountability.

  • The HRGF is envisaged to fund LNGOs in the districts of the ELNHA project, to exercise
  • leadership in their humanitarian response, when a crisis hits. The Facility is designed to promote leadership by local and national actors, by providing the opportunity to access funding to:
  • Strengthen capacity to independently design and implement quality responses (according to minimum standards), conduct needs assessments, design project proposals, manage funds, monitor and evaluate, and meet reporting compliance;
  • Demonstrate capacity to independently design and manage quality response programs,with the aim to increase access to other sources of funding directly (international or national) – for the same response and/or for future responses;
  • Provide learning to donors on how to design funding modalities that best meet the objective of improved quality of responses through leadership of local actors.